
 0 Comment on The Essentials of Scalars, Vectors, Matrices, and Tensors in Deep Learning
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The Essentials of Scalars, Vectors, Matrices, and Tensors in Deep Learning

In deep learning, Scalars represent single values, Vectors are arrays of scalars, Matrices are 2D arrays, and Tensors are multi-dimensional arrays, forming the foundation of data representation and manipulation

 0 Comment on Exploring the Matrix Magic in Deep Learning
Posted in Deep Learning

Exploring the Matrix Magic in Deep Learning

Matrix magic in Deep learning has become a transformative force in the field of artificial intelligence and is responsible for numerous breakthroughs in various domains, including image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicles.

 0 Comment on Explained the remarkable Evolution of AI and ML happened.
Posted in Deep Learning

Explained the remarkable Evolution of AI and ML happened.

Evolution of AI and ML have witnessed a remarkable journey of evolution over the decades. These technologies have left an indelible mark on the world, from their conceptualization as theoretical constructs to their practical applications in various fields.

 0 Comment on Explain the Concept of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence
Posted in Deep Learning

Explain the Concept of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence

With its multi-layered neural networks, Concept of deep learning empowers computers to understand and recognize complex data, much like human learning. It’s a detective-like process, solving puzzles in images, sounds, and beyond, making it a fascinating and versatile tool for AI applications.

Double Ended Queue
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Posted in Data Structure

Know the concept of Double Ended Queue in Data Structure

Deque, double ended queue is an abstract data type in which elements can be added or removed either from front or back. Generally Front is considered as head end and Back is considered as Tail end.

 0 Comment on Know about Computer Wrong in Cyber Space
Posted in Cyber Security

Know about Computer Wrong in Cyber Space

Computer wrong is an unlawful act which is performed either to use computer as a tool or as target to perform criminal activities in cyber space using internet as a medium.

 0 Comment on know about Priority Queue in Data Structure
Posted in Data Structure

know about Priority Queue in Data Structure

Priority Queue is similar to queue data structure, but in this when we insert an element means when we enqueue an element we also enqueue an additional piece of information, namely priority.

 0 Comment on Know the Concept of Circular Queue in Data Structure
Posted in Data Structure

Know the Concept of Circular Queue in Data Structure

Circular queue is modified version of Queue data structure, that adheres FIFO principle. It has fixed memory size, due to which it permits better memory utilization compare to simple queue.

 0 Comment on Do you Know the Concept of Queue in Data Structure
Posted in Data Structure

Do you Know the Concept of Queue in Data Structure

Queue in Data Structure is a list in which elements have a linear data structure where items get inserted from one end and deleted from another end. Insertion end is considered as rear and deletion end is considered as front end of queue.

 0 Comment on Know Different type of Cyber Attacks
Posted in Cyber Security

Know Different type of Cyber Attacks

Attacks in which computer devices are used as tool and internet as medium, are considered as cyber-attack. Know different types of Cyber attacks which occur when an individual, group, or organized gang attempts to maliciously breach the security system of another person or organization.

Concept of Recursion
 0 Comment on Know the concept of recursion in data structure
Posted in Data Structure

Know the concept of recursion in data structure

Recursion is a property of defining itself. In programming, while writing a program code when a function calls itself by following some base condition then it is considered a recursion.

Linear Search Algorithm
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Posted in Data Structure

What is Linear Search Algorithm in Data Structure

Linear search is a sequential search approach of traversing an array or linked list and comparing the required element with the list element.