Category: Data Structure
Know the concept of Double Ended Queue in Data Structure
Deque, double ended queue is an abstract data type in which elements can be added or removed either from front or back. Generally Front is considered as head end and Back is considered as Tail end.
know about Priority Queue in Data Structure
Priority Queue is similar to queue data structure, but in this when we insert an element means when we enqueue an element we also enqueue an additional piece of information, namely priority.
Know the Concept of Circular Queue in Data Structure
Circular queue is modified version of Queue data structure, that adheres FIFO principle. It has fixed memory size, due to which it permits better memory utilization compare to simple queue.
Do you Know the Concept of Queue in Data Structure
Queue in Data Structure is a list in which elements have a linear data structure where items get inserted from one end and deleted from another end. Insertion end is considered as rear and deletion end is considered as front end of queue.
Know the concept of recursion in data structure
Recursion is a property of defining itself. In programming, while writing a program code when a function calls itself by following some base condition then it is considered a recursion.
What is Linear Search Algorithm in Data Structure
Linear search is a sequential search approach of traversing an array or linked list and comparing the required element with the list element.
Know How Data Structure and Algorithms help to write efficient program code
Data structure means providing a specific structure to data. Like if you want to add two numbers 4, 3, then to add these two numbers you give a specific structure which may be int or float.
Explain the Concept of Linked List in Data Structure
Linked list in data structure is a way to keep data items next to each other. In memory, we can keep data in two ways, Sequential(contiguous) and random manner.
Explain the Concept of an Array in Data Structure
An array is a linear data structure where homogenous data were stored in a contiguous memory location. Let us understand more about the concept of the array in the data structure.
Do you know the Concept of Stack in Data Structure?
Stack is one of the memory allocation techniques having a concept of linear data structure where operations like insertion and deletion were performed to store and remove the data item.
Do you know Concept of Hashing in data structure?
#Tag is used to index the targeted content from a huge repository of diversified content, which helps to retrieve relevant content. Understand the concept of hashing in the data structure.
What Scenarios of different Data Structures you know?
A data structure is a way of organizing, processing, retrieving, and storing data. There are several basic and advanced types of data structures, all designed to arrange data to suit a specific purpose.