Category: TOC

Notes and Understanding about the Theory of Computation

 1 Comment on Concept of Push Down Automata in Theory of Computation
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Concept of Push Down Automata in Theory of Computation

The concept of Push Down Automata says the machine is capable of recognizing context-free languages which are supported by context-free grammar.

 0 Comment on Application of Automata in Theory of Computation
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Application of Automata in Theory of Computation

Table of Contents Where do we use Automata Without understanding the reason behind the concept and its importance, we always find it tough to learn. As ‘Automata Theory’ is one…

 0 Comment on Concept of Derivation in Theory of Computation
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Concept of Derivation in Theory of Computation

The derivation is the process of deriving or generating a language from the given production rules. The derivation is basically represented in the graphical form, which is also considered as Derivation graphs and popularly known as derivation trees or parse trees.

 0 Comment on What is Context Free Grammar ?
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What is Context Free Grammar ?

Context-free grammar is a model of a language. It consists of several rules. A rule defines the replacement of a symbol with another symbol. In order to generate a sentence from the language, you are allowed to apply one rule at a time. A rule does not depend on the context (hence the context freeness).

 0 Comment on Regular Expression in Theory of Computation
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Regular Expression in Theory of Computation

An expression that expresses the set of strings according to certain syntax rules is considered a regular expression. These expressions have certain notations which we can describe in the regular language.

 0 Comment on Explained Kleene Star Closure, Kleene Plus Operation
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Explained Kleene Star Closure, Kleene Plus Operation

Kleene Closure is the infinite set of all possible strings of all possible lengths including Ɛ It is denoted by ∑* So ∑*=∑0 U ∑1 U ∑2 U ∑3U….. For example over ∑= {0,1}.
Kleene star (or Kleene operator or Kleene closure) is a unary operation, either on sets of strings or on sets of symbols or characters.

 0 Comment on Explain Noam Chomsky Grammar Classification in Theory of Computation
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Explain Noam Chomsky Grammar Classification in Theory of Computation

Avram Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, and cognitive scientist who has given the hierarchy of grammar in Theory of Computation. Hierarchy means an organized structure in which items are arranged according to their rank or level. Chomsky has proposed such kind of hierarchy in which he has given different levels to grammar.

 2 Comments on Basic Mathematical concept need to understand the Theory Of Computation
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Basic Mathematical concept need to understand the Theory Of Computation

To understand the concept of the Theory of Computation, students need to understand some basic mathematical concepts through which they can understand how Computer computes and how compiler design.

 0 Comment on Study of NFA and DFA
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Study of NFA and DFA

Finite automata is classified into two parts Deterministic and Non Deterministic Automata, which are in short considered as DFA and NFA. In this article we will understand the concept of DFA and NFA with its Comparison.

 9 Comments on Concept of Regular Language in Theory of Computation
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Concept of Regular Language in Theory of Computation

Regular languages are a subset of the set of all strings. which are used in parsing and designing programming languages.

 0 Comment on Study of Theory of Automata
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Study of Theory of Automata

Automata Theory is a branch of computer science that deals with designing abstract computing models having a sequence of operations. With the help of that model, it will be easy to write algorithms and convert them into machines.

 0 Comment on Prerequisites before learning the Theory of Automata 
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Prerequisites before learning the Theory of Automata 

Before we move to the Theory of Automata, we should have a basic understanding of some terminologies which are frequently used like Symbols, Alphabets, Strings, and Languages.